A Chinese zitan table screen with inlaid carved 'Fu Lu Shou'
Qianlong period, Qing dynasty
Three immortals Fu, Lu and Shou are placed to central frame atop a blue background.
The Three Star Gods (Fu, Lu, and Shou) are significant symbols in traditional Chinese culture, representing fortune, prosperity, and longevity, respectively. They hold an important place in folk beliefs. People express their reverence for these deities and their aspirations for a good life through various forms of art, such as New Year paintings, sculptures, and embroidery. The screen insert of this piece features a blue mineral background with carved figures of the Three Star Gods and cloud patterns. The central figure, holding a ruyi (scepter), is the deity who bestows official rank and prosperity (Lu). On the left, the figure holding a peach represents Shou, the god of longevity. On the right, the figure holding a child symbolizes Fu, the god of good fortune. The details of the figures, including their facial expressions, shading, and hair, are meticulously rendered, and the clothing patterns are fluid. The base of the screen is carved entirely from sandalwood, with the body of the stand featuring twin kui dragons, and the lower part adorned with twin phoenix motifs. The sides of the base are also carved with kui dragons and peony patterns. The craftsmanship is exquisite, and although some carved elements are slightly damaged, this does not detract from its overall value as a collectible and display piece. In the residences of Qing dynasty nobility, table screens and hanging screens were widely used as decorative items, often crafted with no expense spared and with the utmost precision. The craftsmanship of palace display items from the mid to late Qing dynasty often imitated earlier dynasties, although the quality of workmanship generally did not match that of the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods. The use of the Three Star Gods motif and the sandalwood craftsmanship of this table screen suggest that it likely originated from the Imperial Workshops of the late Qing dynasty.
See below references for similar items: Palace Museum collection, catalog number Gu00209089; Sotheby's Hong Kong, October 2014, lot 3667.
福祿壽三星是中國傳統文化中的重要象徵,它們分別代表着福氣、官運和長壽,在民間信仰中佔有重要地位。人們通過各種形式的藝術作品,如年畫、雕塑、織繡等,來表達對福祿壽三星的敬仰和對美好生活的向往。 此件座屏的插屏部分以礦物藍料爲底,雕三星及雲石紋。中間懷抱如意的是授人官祿的天神;左邊手捧仙桃的是壽星,予人長壽;右邊懷抱童子的是賜福於人的福星。人物眉目細節、面部渲染以及須髮處理均細緻入微,衣飾紋理流暢。屏座以紫檀整雕而成,座身部分開框雕雙夔龍紋,底下雕雙夔鳳紋,座身兩側各雕夔龍紋及牡丹花紋。整體雕工精美,雖然雕件略有缺失,但絲毫不影響其整體的收藏與欣賞價值。 清代權貴居室內,廣泛地應用插屏與掛屏作爲陳設,往往不吝成本,極儘精工之能事。清朝中後期宮廷陳設件的製作工藝,大多效仿前朝,且工藝都略遜於雍、乾時期。本件作品福祿壽三星題材的運用,以及紫檀屏身的製作工藝,都印証了此件插屏應來自於清後期的宮廷造辦處。